The DX-M can react to either CC or PC-messages, refer to the sections below for implementation.
The DX-M operates in MIDI standard setup (not type b).
CC Messages
The DX-M will react to CC-messages sent on the active MIDI channel, refer to the section MIDI channel for details.
The following map shows the states that can be recalled and the corresponding messages:
Data Byte 1 / Data Byte 2 / State
80 0 Bypass
80 1 Green Gate 1
80 2 Green Gate 2
80 3 Blue Gate 1
80 4 Blue Gate 2
80 5 Red Gate 1
80 6 Red Gate 2
Example: In order to recall Red mode with the lower gate threshold, send MIDI message 80 6 on the active channel.
PC Messages
Each of the 3 channels (Green, Blue and Red) and bypass can be recalled using a PC-command on the active MIDI channel.
The PC-command for each channel can be programmed, however all of them must be on the same channel.
In order to enter programming mode, push the channel button while the pedal is powered up and in bypass mode (LED not illuminated) for 6 seconds.
The LED will start blinking in the color of the channel that is selected (Green, Blue and Red, Violet for bypass).
You can skip through the channels using the bypass footswitch. In order to connect a PC-message with a channel, send the PC-message while the LED is blinking in the desired channel's color.
A short burst of blinks will acknowledge success.
Example: You want to connect the MIDI PC-message 27 on channel 5 with the Green channel.
1. Power Up the pedal. The pedal should light up the LED in Red, green and blue during startup, make sure it's in bypass mode after that
2. Push channel footswitch for 6 seconds until the LED is blinking
3. Push bypass footswitch until the LED is blinking in green
4. Send the PC message 27 on channel 5 using your MIDI-controller, the LED should acknowledge with a very short burst
The green channel of the DX-M should now be connected to MIDI message 27, the DX-M will now be set to MIDI channel 5.
MIDI Channel
Per default, the DX-M is working on MIDI channel 0 (channel 1 for early release pedals).
The MIDI-channel can be changed by setting the pedal in PC-programming mode and sending a PC-command in the channel that you want to use.